The Typology of the Laweyan Craftsmen House: An Analysis Based on Form and Function

The Typology of the Laweyan Craftsmen House: An ...

This paper is a study on heritages in Surakarta city with the focus on the typology of craftsman’s houses in the Laweyan district which is well known for the Javanese’s traditional batik cloth manufacture. Due to durative colonialization politics this area was strongly influenced by western building styles such as Baroque, Neoclassic, Art Deco, Romanic Ornament and others. It conveyed the “Arts and Crafts Movement” in the late 18th century and the early 20th century from America and Europe to Java. The aim of this work is to define typological key elements of Laweyan craftsmen houses. For this purposes 15 to 20 batiks houses in Laweyan district were documented and compared. The commonly found building characteristics were classified.
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