For planning of tractrix curve for roundabouts, turning area, drives and curved streets.
(only for registered users)
file size:
11.58 Kb
File format:
File Type:
2D AutoCAD Blocks (.dwg or .dxf)
File version:
AutoCAD 2002/2000
Object Type:
2D Notation Symbol
License types:
This download is available under the following license terms:
  • Legacy License

    The Legacy License grants the User the following use:

    • To use the content provided solely for private, non-commercial purposes.
    • No transfer, delegation or sub-licensing.

    License terms in detail

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Ratings (40)Ø Rating: 7.55High Rating: 10Low Rating: 2
0 votes (0.0% total votes)1 votes (2.5% total votes)0 votes (0.0% total votes)1 votes (2.5% total votes)6 votes (15.0% total votes)3 votes (7.5% total votes)4 votes (10.0% total votes)13 votes (32.5% total votes)4 votes (10.0% total votes)8 votes (20.0% total votes)

Comments: (20):

Rating: 5

Enthält einen 2-achser LKW mit 6 m Länge und einem Achsabstand von 3,5 m. Leider nicht das was ich suche.

Sylvana has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 5.0.

Rating: 8

Gut brauchbare Schleppkurve(n), etwas einfach dargestelltes Fahrzeug.

ajl has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 8.0.

Rating: 2

Enthaelt lediglich Schleppkurven fuer EINEN 2-achser mit 6m laenge mit 7 verschiedenen Winkeln

sudex has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 2.0.

Rating: 8

sher hilfreich

chemikoer has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 8.0.

Rating: 6

Bitte LKW-Länge in Beschreibung angeben!

Cosema77 has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 6.0.

Rating: 10

Hat mir sehr geholfen, danke!

ubb has at CAD Objects and Libraries 19 objects with a user's average rating 9.9.

Rating: 10

Hat mir sehr geholfen.

TSFassaden has at CAD Objects and Libraries 3 objects with a user's average rating 9.3.

Rating: 8

Prima Sache, so etwas habe ich gesucht :-)

bzb-willerscheid has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 8.0.

Rating: 8

Hat mir sehr geholfen.

warncke has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 8.0.

Rating: 8

Für meine Anforderungen genau richtig

robbery has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 8.0.

Rating: 8

Genauigkeit reicht aus.

gynnna has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 9.0.

Rating: 5

Gut zu verwenden

Elmiplan has at CAD Objects and Libraries 5 objects with a user's average rating 6.8.

Rating: 8

einfach aber nützlich

itu has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 8.0.

Rating: 6

Für einfache Anwendungen durchaus hilfreich

Statik5 has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 6.5.

Rating: 10

prima Hilfe

ilseerika has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 10.0.

Rating: 9

hat mir geholfen

CADII has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 9.0.

Rating: 10

sehr hilfreich

Hechtle has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 10.0.

Rating: 5

Für meine Zwecke ausreichend..

mogablaed1 has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 4.0.

Rating: 5

Für mich zur zeit nicht relevant

B51 has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 5.0.

Rating: 9

ganz einfach, und erfüllt seinen Zweck.

opegmbh has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 9.0.

Tractrix Curve of a Truck

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