bamboo plant from Japan in a pot
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file size:
922,54 Kb
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Image file format:
Image size:
800 x 413 pixel (h x w)
License types:
This download is available under the following license terms:
  • Legacy License

    The Legacy License grants the User the following use:

    • To use the content provided solely for private, non-commercial purposes.
    • No transfer, delegation or sub-licensing.

    License terms in detail

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Ratings (17)Ø Rating: 6.82High Rating: 10Low Rating: 2
0 votes (0.0% total votes)2 votes (11.8% total votes)1 votes (5.9% total votes)0 votes (0.0% total votes)0 votes (0.0% total votes)2 votes (11.8% total votes)3 votes (17.6% total votes)6 votes (35.3% total votes)2 votes (11.8% total votes)1 votes (5.9% total votes)

Comments: (6):

Rating: 3

echt schlecht zum freistellen....

rokdd has at Masked Images 7 objects with a user's average rating 7.3.

Rating: 8

Nachträgliche Bearbeitung in PSD nötig, sonst gute Qualität

shermy has at Masked Images 2 objects with a user's average rating 8.0.

Rating: 8

Sehr detailiert, auch noch bei großformatigem Ausdruck. Leider zu viele weiße Ränder.

Heiser has at Masked Images 10 objects with a user's average rating 7.1.

Rating: 2

Sieht von weitem vielversprechen aus ... aber leider schlecht und lieblos freigestellt. Auf Grund der Pixelreste rundherum wieder ein Bild für helle oder weiße Hintergründe

Frankstar has at Masked Images 36 objects with a user's average rating 5.2.

Rating: 7

sieht gut aus.

fundgrueb has at Masked Images 1 objects with a user's average rating 7.0.

Rating: 8

Sehr schön ausgeschnitten, aber nicht freigestellt. Einige Stellen sind nicht bearbeitet ... Nur 72 dpi Auflösung.

noas has at Masked Images 21 objects with a user's average rating 7.1.

potted bamboo

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