Simple and abstract drawing; only outlines; closed polyline
(only for registered users)
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file size:
45,98 Kb
File format:
File Type:
2D AutoCAD Blocks (.dwg or .dxf)
File version:
AutoCAD 2002/2000
Object Type:
2D Humans
License types:
This download is available under the following license terms:
  • Legacy License

    The Legacy License grants the User the following use:

    • To use the content provided solely for private, non-commercial purposes.
    • No transfer, delegation or sub-licensing.

    License terms in detail

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Ratings (14)Ø Rating: 6.36High Rating: 9Low Rating: 3
0 votes (0.0% total votes)0 votes (0.0% total votes)1 votes (7.1% total votes)0 votes (0.0% total votes)5 votes (35.7% total votes)2 votes (14.3% total votes)1 votes (7.1% total votes)3 votes (21.4% total votes)2 votes (14.3% total votes)0 votes (0.0% total votes)

Comments: (7):

Rating: 5

genau was ich suchte aber leider keine polylinie

m81 has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 7.0.

Rating: 3

Tut mir leid, aber die Figurinen sind einfach viel zu einfach.

mudolator has at CAD Objects and Libraries 3 objects with a user's average rating 5.0.

Rating: 9

Die Männchen bestehen aus sehr vielen Punkten,sodass es manchmal Problem gibt. ich habe sie einfach bearbeitet, sodass nur noch die nötigen Punkte da sind. jetzt sind sie perfekt!

colaxy has at CAD Objects and Libraries 5 objects with a user's average rating 9.6.

Rating: 5

die sitzenden am tisch sehen nur mäßig aus, sehr runde köpfe, sonst ok

aloiv has at CAD Objects and Libraries 4 objects with a user's average rating 5.5.

Rating: 5

laptop-arbeiter machte etwas probleme

staufenbiel has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 6.0.

Rating: 6


o-sonntag has at CAD Objects and Libraries 2 objects with a user's average rating 7.0.

Rating: 5

Die 2 Menschen am Tisch sehen nicht sehr gut aus! Zu runde Köpfe! Der einzige, der zu gebrauchen ist, ist der Sitzende Typ mit dem Laptop! Sonst allgemein:Geschlossene Linienführungen!Gut!

rmirabel has at CAD Objects and Libraries 1 objects with a user's average rating 5.0.

Three workers

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